Photo of Cordova protest on May 16th, courtesy of the Eyak Preservation Council
June in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) teems with life – five species of salmon, halibut, migrating whales and birds. Starting June 15th, during this time of prolific breeding and migration in the region, the US Navy will be bombing the Gulf of Alaska as part of their training exercises.
The Eyak Preservation Council has been leading the charge on this important issue. On Saturday May 16th, they held a peaceful protest in Cordova joined by over 100 onlookers and boats and they’ve also held protests in Homer and Kodiak. For information about future events, action, and possible protests like their Facebook page.
In the meantime, please click here for more information and sign letters to the Navy and to the Alaska Legislature requesting the prohibition of live ammunition and sonar in the Gulf of Alaska. The more voices the better!