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National Negroni Week at the Bear Tooth Grill

Local Restaurant Partners to Support Marine Conservation

The Bear Tooth Grill in Anchorage has been working with AMCC over the past few months to bring Alaskans local, sustainably-caught fish and create fabulous dishes using cod and rockfish from AMCC and the Alaska Jig Association’s Kodiak Jig Seafoods brand. In an effort to further promote sustainable fishing practices, the Bear Tooth Grill has generously chosen AMCC as their selected non-profit for national Negroni Week, donating $1 from each drink sold to AMCC. The special began June 2nd and will run for three weeks.

A Negroni is a 95 years old cocktail made with gin, campari, and vermouth. Negroni Week is a nationwide event sponsored by Imbibe Magazine and Campari where bars all over the country donate drink proceeds to a non-profit of their choice. We hope you’ll visit the Bear Tooth Grill to try a Negroni, supporting marine conservation, and local business in the process! Be sure to post your Negroni photos on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook #negroniweek and share them with AMCC and the Bear Tooth Grill.

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