The Every Halibut Counts project, a collaboration between AMCC, Alaska Sea Grant, and charter boat operators is continuing efforts this summer to provide information on best practices for gently releasing sport-caught halibut. See what’s new below!
Hot off the Press: Check out this op-ed in the Homer Tribune by project intern, Jona Hamson , a deckhand from Homer and intern for the Every Halibut Counts Project.
New Video on Releasing Halibut: Watch and share this 7-minute video on best practices for carefully releasing sport-caught halibut featuring celebrity fisherman Dave Marciano from the show, Wicked Tuna:

Get Involved: If you are a charter boat operator who practices careful release, make your sustainable practices known by adding your name to the list of Every Halibut Counts project supporters. You will receive a sticker and waterproof placard listing best practices to display on your boat and you can add the Every Halibut Counts logo to our website to let clients know about your best practices. Email to add your name or for more information.