Purchase your box of Kodiak Jig Cod & Rockfish today!
Spring has arrived and our Catch of the Season program has a fresh new offering of amazing seafood to fill your freezer! Alaskans can now purchase 10 and 25 lb. boxes of high-quality, jig-caught Pacific cod and black rockfish fillets. Order by Monday, May 12th for pickup in Kodiak, Homer, or Anchorage the week of May 19th!
AMCC has partnered with Kodiak jig fishermen to create an opportunity for fishermen to harvest cod and rockfish with low-impact jig gear. This is a unique fishery that utilizes individual hooks and lines, has minimal environmental impact, and provides a critical entry point into the fishing business for local fishermen. Learn more.
Read the April 11th, Anchorage Daily News story by Shannon Kuhn about the program.