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Community-Based Processors: Critical to the Success of Small-Scale Fisheries

Catch 49 was established with a few key goals in mind: #1 bolster economic opportunities for small-scale, community-based fishermen; #2 help sustain the Alaskan fishing lifestyle and #3 generate revenue to support AMCC’s mission. We insist on complete traceability - knowing when, where and how fish are harvested and processed - to ensure that it has only been in the hands of those who revere it as much as we do.

Most large processors prioritize the demands of the global market, regardless of the negative impacts associated with catching and processing fish on an industrial scale. Meanwhile, to provide the product Catch 49 has promised to our discerning Alaskan customers, we seek out community-based processors who share our values. These include a commitment to fair wages and sustainable business practices and a willingness to take the extra steps necessary to ensure Catch 49 customers receive the highest quality product possible.

One such processor we have been proud to partner with for many years is Kodiak Island WildSource. Owned and operated by the Sun’aq Tribe in Kodiak, Wild Source prioritizes quality, stewardship of our natural resources, supporting Kodiak-area native fishing families and employing local residents. Without WildSource we could not provide our customers with low-impact jig-caught Kodiak rockfish, cod and halibut. They are also a key player in the development of Kodiak’s burgeoning kelp industry, exclusively processing kelp every spring for one month to ensure that local kelp farmers have the chance to thrive.

Using community-based processors helps ensure that small-scale fishermen can bring their catch to market, provides critical local jobs and keeps the value of our resources in Alaskan communities. We are grateful to work with WildSource - in addition to 60° North Seafoods in Cordova, Kvichak Fish Co. in Naknek and Kenai-Red Fish Company in Ninilchik - to help Alaska’s small-scale fisheries succeed!

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