Reise Wayner
Thank you to everyone who purchased Bristol Bay sockeye salmon shares through our Catch of the Season program this year! Our salmon share ordering period is now closed but stay tuned for Taku River Reds coho salmon, Kodiak jig rockfish, and Norton Sound red king crab which will be featured in September.
For those that ordered salmon, the pickup/delivery information for your salmon shares is below. You should have also received the information below on pickup via email from our staff.
**Meet Your Fisherman! We are pleased to announce that Reise Wayner, a young fisherman and member of the Wayner family that caught your fish will be joining us for pickups in Anchorage, the MatSu Valley, and Fairbanks.
**Don’t Forget Your Coolers! Remember if you got a 10 or 25lb. share to bring your cooler for your fish. Those size shares will be bagged and 50 lb. shares will be in boxes with liners.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions by emailing seafood@akmarine.org or calling (907) 277-5368.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
~The AMCC & Catch of the Season Team
Important Reminder: As stated in our terms and conditions agreed to before your purchase, your ability to pick-up your share at the designated place and time is critical to our program. If there are extreme circumstances that prevent you or someone you know from picking up your share, please contact us ASAP by emailing seafood@akmarine.org or calling (907) 277-5368. Please ask friends and family first if they can pick up your share before contacting us. If you do not contact us and do not pick up your share at the time and place designated and we cannot reach you, you may forfeit your share.
Hannah Heimbuch will make arrangements with you and will be delivering your salmon share to you personally. Hannah can be reached on her cell phone at (907) 299-4018
When: Monday, August 15th
What Time: 10:00am to 7:00pm
Where: Beaver Sports Parking Lot
3480 College Road
*Look for signs, our seafood mobile & a large reefer van that will be parked in the back of the parking lot by the canoe center.
MatSu Valley
When: Wednesday, August 17th
What Time: Noon to 7:00pm
Where: UAF Matanuska Experiment Farm (near MatSu Regional Medical Center) located at 1509 S. Georgeson Road
Palmer, AK 99645
*Look for signs and our seafood mobile parked near the entrance to the farm.
When: Thursday, August 18th
What Time: 10:00am to 7:00pm
Where: Alaska Pacific University (APU) Farmer’s Market on the APU Campus
Carr-Gottstein Building Parking Lot at 4101 University Drive
*Look for signs, our seafood mobile & a large reefer van that will be parked in the Carr-Gottstein building parking lot.
When: Sunday, August 21th
What Time: Jen Leahy has made arrangements with you and will be delivering your salmon share to you personally. Jen can be reached on her cell phone at (907) 787-9257